By Lori Ajekigbe
Hebrews 12 tells us to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. Do you have thoughts of condemnation? What is condemnation? Good question. Those negative thoughts that you believe about yourself. I have had my fair share of negative condemning thoughts. These thoughts easily entangled my mind as well as heart. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see that condemnation is a paralyzing spider’s web around my thought life, setting up home tightly around my mind. You see, I was enabling the enemy to grow this web of lies. I started to believe negative comments said about me. I would hit replay when no one was around and the condemning thoughts became my inner voice. Becoming my inner truth.
During my childhood to adult years the entanglement became painful. My comfort and escape became food that caused a weight issue. The medical society deems it Stage III obesity. Early on I lost every bit of confidence. I had dreams but no direction and I felt I had no purpose. I had lost love for this girl God created.
Then at the right time God introduced me to the precious Beloved Warriors family. After attending their Saturday retreat called, A Day Away, I signed up for the Boot Camp study. I found my thoughts about myself changing. The web of lies started to untangle and be cut free with God’s sword of truth, his word. Scripture revealed to me my worth. His word showed his deep love for me. As I stated my thoughts started to change. I related to Sara and I wanted more of Jesus like Sara came to know. I wanted God to hear and answer my prayers as he did for Sara. I wanted his real presence in my life. During Boot Camp I had to tough through negative thoughts and emotions. But there was God waiting on his girl.
I have made beautiful breakthroughs. God freed my mind and heart. I would come to develop a new inner voice. A truthful voice, now it is Jesus in my head and heart and not the condemning lies from the enemy. Truly I will share I have been through Boot Camp a few times. Why do you ask? Through the homework God does new things in me each time. He created me and knows what I am ready for and when I am most ready. I now help facilitate Boot Camp studies for other ladies. I am excited for the journey they will walk through and the beautiful breakthroughs God will have for each one of them.
P.S. To date I have been freed of 100 pounds. The heaviest part was the regrets and lies I carried on my heart and mind. God showed me I no longer needed to believe and I was freed. It was like walking away from heavy trash bags I no longer needed to carry. To give you a glimpse of what Boot Camp has done for me listen to Lauren Dagle’s song, You Say. See if you can relate. This song captures a good vision of my transformation the Boot Camp study has walked me through.